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Log File Table

VERDE provides several ways to log system information. Individual logs are available for each functional area of the system

Log Files

File Name and Location Description
/home/vb-verde/logs/<ServerIP>-mc.log This is the main Console log and is rolled every day into a new file. It is safe to delete log files that are older than the current date, unless they are needed.
/home/vb-verde/logs/<Server IP>-audit.log This is the VERDE Management Console administrator activity audit trail.
/var/log/verde/1 Server log activity. (By default logging is enabled at the “note” level. When the server restarts, a new set of log files will be created and the old ones will be moved to /var/log/2.)
/var/log/verde/1/vbbranch.txt The branch server activity log file.
/var/log/verde/1/vbsmartd.txt Information relating to the VDI server’s branch synchronization.
/var/log/verde/1/verdecmd.txt Information relating to VERDE Cluster Master activity
/var/log/verde/1/win4prod.txt Information relating to VDI sessions running on the server being used.
/var/log/verde/1/verdempcd.txt Information relating to SPICE, RDP, and NX VDI connections.
/var/log/verde/1/win4-autobr.txt Information relating to configuration of the host-side network bridges.
/var/log/verde/verde-network/verde-menu-log.txt Complete trace of VERDE Menu actions and any networking problems or failures for a new VERDE installation. Also contains information if verde-support-report fails.
/var/log/verde/verde-network/verde-tap-control-log.txt Information generated by the verde-tap-control executable when called by win4prod to set up and take down virtual guest sessions.
Contains the Gold Image information logged during the session.
/var/log/verde/verde-network/rc.vb-ovs-network-log.txt Contains a log of network startup and shut-down events.
/var/log/verde/verde-network/verde-auto-config-log.txt Contains deployment automation related messages.

Windows 7, 8.1, and Windows 2008 Server R2:

C:\Users\<local-user>\AppData\Local\Temp verde-client.txt
Linux : /home/<local-user>/VIA.log

User Console log file. This file is located on the client (the computer where the User Console runs), not on the guest.
VIA.log: /home/vb-verde/logs/<server>-VIA.log This log file may be useful for issues when connecting to the VERDE server from the VERDE User Console.

Catalina/Tomcat log files:/var/lib/verde/mc/catalina.<date>


This log file may be useful for issues when connecting to the VERDE Management Console (http://<Server IP>:8080/mc), such as http 500 and 404 errors. Every day and when VERDE restarts, catalina.out is saved as catalina.<date>.log in the /var/lib/verde/mc/ folder.