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Organization Overview

Organizations offer the ability to assign resources from a single infrastructure to physical or departmental locations, while providing the granularity required to manage each organization separately. Organizations provide management benefits for:

  • Departmentalized IT services in a single enterprise. Different organizations (Marketing, Engineering, Sales), geographies, and business units may have their own set of users and requirements. IT services can create organizations based on functional or geographical business requirements.
  • Managed service providers (MSPs) with multiple customers and solution sets. For security, manageability, and licensing reasons, customer deployments must be managed separately. Separate administration, separate physical VDI servers, and separate logical networks can be managed and maintained with organizations. Services can be offered as:
    • Private Desktop Cloud. Servers are assigned to organizations and each organization can manage its own desktops and policies through delegated administration functions.
    • Desktop as a Service (Public or Private Cloud). Service provider provisions desktops directly to organizations and performs all management on their behalf, while organizations get personalized SLAs and VERDE User Console portal.

Managed service providers should understand the licensing restrictions of each Windows operating system offered. Certain license types are required for service providers and virtual desktops depending on how infrastructure resources are assigned. See the Microsoft site for details.