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Printing from Windows Sessions

Additional configuration is required in Windows Gold Images to install the drivers required for a user to print from the guest session. The following are supported for printing from a virtual Windows session:

  • Print with VERDE print facilities. VERDE's print facilities enable printing to the client's default printer. This option does not require installing the specific driver for the printer in the Gold Image. Instead, VERDE uses a generic printer driver. To enable the VERDE print facilities, confirm the desired printer is already set as the default on the client, install the VERDE printer driver on the Gold Image, and select the printer as the default in the guest session. If you're using a Windows client, you'll also need to confirm Adobe Acrobat Reader is installed.
  • Printing to a network printer only. There is no printer installation required on the client. The specific printer driver must be installed in the Gold Image and the printer must be available on the network.
  • USB printer attached to the client device. If a USB printer is attached and working with the client device, this printer will be re-directed into the guest session. Confirm the correct printer driver is also installed in the Gold Image.

If you're planning on utilizing the VERDE User Console5 to launch remote sessions, special steps apply for accessing printing services. See the topic Printing for VERDE User Console5 below for more information.