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Administration Issues

The following topics discuss issues or limitations you may come across as a VERDE administrator, and solutions or workarounds to fix the issue. Because many issues run across different tasks, if you don't find a particular issue you're searching for, please refer to a different section.

Removing Organization Files from Shared Storage

When an organization is deleted from the VERDE Management Console, a confirmation is displayed with the location of the organization's files. These files should be deleted manually.

To delete the files, perform one of the following tasks:

  • If using CIFS for VERDE, browse the CIFS share from any computer in the network with an account that has read, write, and delete access. Delete the path listed in the VERDE Management Console confirmation message, for example: verde-orgs/org-21.
  • If using NFS for VERDE or using a single VERDE node, open a secure shell into the VERDE server, and run the following command with root privileges:

    rm -rf /home/vb-verde/<path>

    where <path> is the path listed in the VERDE Management Console confirmation message.