
Compute Smartly


RX-RDP / RX-RDP+ firmware can be obtained from the NComputing software download page. During the first year (after registration) the firmware can be applied directly to the device (using FTP or web URL) or pushed from the NComputing PMC Endpoint Management software. After the first year the device can only receive firmware updated from PMC if the device has an active AMP for RX-RDP software maintenance update license.

No. Only the RX300 thin client can optionally boot into the Raspbian desktop mode.

No. RX-RDP only support RDP protocol. vSpace Pro software uses NComputing’s proprietary UXP protocol which is not recognized by RX-RDP.

There are multiple benefits that come with registering the RX-RDP, RX-RDP+ and RX420(RDP) devices with the NComputing Management Portal:

AMP for RX-RDP is a software maintenance and support program provided by NComputing to allow RX-RDP, RX-RDP+ and RX420(RDP) devices to receive the latest firmware updates. Each device must have its own current AMP for RX-RDP license to continue to receive firmware updates.

Each RX-RDP and RX-RDP+ device comes with a 1-year subscription to AMP for RX-RDP. This allows the device to receive firmware updates applied locally or pushed from NComputing PMC Endpoint Management software. When AMP for RX-RDP expires the device can no longer receive firmware updates. Subscription to AMP for RX-RDP must be purchased and applied to the device in order to once again be able to push firmware updates from PMC.

Admins can log in to the NComputing Management Portal --> My Devices and click the ‘Serial No.’ of the device for the details. Automated email reminders will be sent approximately 30 days prior to the current device warranty expiration date.

The warranty for the RX-RDP and RX-RDP+ is one year from the time of registration in the NComputing Management Portal. An optional extended hardware warranty is available and can be purchased through an NComputing reseller or via the NComputing Management Portal with a credit card or PayPal. The extended warranty is only eligible for devices that are already under warranty and must be applied to a specific device. Once the extended warranty has been allocated to a device, it cannot be changed/removed.
